The Hangman - Steel Edition (NOW SHIPPING!)
A Shadowfoil Exclusive!
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This poor soul escaped Order 66, but not the Inquisitors.
Hung in public by the black-clad squad on an obscure world, this saber belonged to one of the few Jedi who escaped the Emperor's fatal plan. Perhaps if he'd have just done as Ben did...?
Our Hangman Steel Edition is a rework of the wildly popular Shadowfoil Exclusive, but this time, it's HEFTY! We've replaced the aluminum body with steel - so it's nice and heavy.
And limited. ;) Get this beauty while it's available, it won't be coming back any time soon! (If ever...)
The installed version of our saber included an SLS-printed nylon chassis (designed, printed, and finished all in-house in our USA location) in Proffie 2.2 or 3.9 flavors (for now... stay tuned with Shadowfoil's socials for more exciting soundboard options coming soon!).